What to Pack for a Trip to Jeddah — Smart Packing List?

On traveling, the question, “What to Take” is more crucial rather than “What to leave” when you are planning a trip to Jeddah . After all, planning to a mostly-arid and endearingly conservative region requires pre-planning and a thoughtful packing list. Top of that, packing lists always vary between women and men when it comes to outfits. Here we have rounded up some essential things you should pack before traveling to Jeddah or any other Saudi Arabian city. Swiss Knife: From opening up the wine bottle corks, gutting fish to sharpen sticks, a swiss knife always comes in handy when you have lost your belongings. It is too compact to be fit in your pocket and proves useful, especially outdoors. Medical Kit: Travelling is full of joy and uncertainty at the same time. Don’t let the minor accidents leave you high and dry at the place without medical assistance nearby. So stay safe while traveling with the medical kit including medicines, wound dressing, antiseptic...