Key Warning Signs You've Booked A Bad Hotel In Jeddah

If you've ever booked a hotel in Jeddah, you know that there are plenty of different factors that can affect the quality of your stay. For example, are the linens clean? Is the bathroom clean? Are the employees friendly? How is the security? If you don't pay attention to these details during your search process, it's possible that you'll end up in one of these hotels - and it may be best to book somewhere else next time!

Here are eight warning signs that you've booked a bad hotel:

1) When You Must Check In Late

If your room isn’t ready when you arrive at your hotel, it’s probably time to look for another place to stay. And if you’re traveling with kids and they are anything like mine, they won’t be happy. When there is a line of people waiting in front of every hotel in town, you don’t want to join them. Instead, call ahead and see what their expected check-in time is—and if it changes, be prepared to find an alternative. Even better? Get your room number before you make your reservation so that there will be no question as to whether or not they have one available for you!

2) No Hangers in the Closet

Hotels pride themselves on having deluxe rooms. But if you don’t have any hangers, it’s not deluxe. Hangers may seem like an obvious amenity but they are often forgotten. If you don’t see them in your closet as soon as you enter your room, keep walking and find another hotel. Your suitcase should be placed right away upon entering your room to make sure that there is enough space for it and for you to get ready for bed comfortably. This will ensure that when you wake up in the morning, you won’t feel cramped by boxes or luggage shoved into tiny spaces. 

Eden Residence Aparthotel

When staying at a hotel with friends or family members, do not let them unpack their bags unless there is enough space for everyone to be comfortable while getting ready each day. It can be uncomfortable being around someone who feels like they need more space than others because of all of their belongings being packed tightly into suitcases or travel bags. This can also lead to squabbles over bathroom time and last-minute packing disasters!

3) Dirty Room

If you’re only in your hotel room for sleeping, that may not matter much. But if you’re there for fun or work and plan to spend time hanging out in your room, you don’t want to have to deal with excessive dirtiness from day one. It's best to look at what other travelers say about housekeeping, both on site and on third-party sites like TripAdvisor and Yelp. If there are consistent complaints, move on—you can find another place where they value cleanliness. Look for signs of wear: Does it look like a track line runs down one side of your bedspread? Is every surface damaged? Are there scratches everywhere?

4) There Are No USB Ports in the Room

These days, almost everything comes with its own charger—everything from TVs to tablets and e-readers. Many hotels still don’t offer enough wall sockets for all of these things; which means you’ll be forced to choose which one you’re going to charge at night before you even get into bed. Make sure your hotel has plenty of wall outlets and USB ports before booking; otherwise, it’s time to switch hotels. Check if there are electrical outlets near your bed or by your desk and make sure there are enough plugs for all of your devices. If not, ask for an upgrade—or book a different hotel altogether!

5) The Air Conditioner Won't Work Properly

There’s nothing worse than paying for a hotel room and opening your windows to discover that you can’t get any air circulation. It’s uncomfortable, it’s bad for your health and it is not what you paid for. Make sure there are no obvious warning signs of poor or broken AC units before booking. Even better, consider booking an Airbnb instead—most have fully functioning amenities and allow you to cook in the space if you want to save money on restaurants or cut down on food costs.

6) Unprofessional Staff

A friendly, helpful staff is one of those things that you just don’t think about until it’s gone. If your hotel doesn’t answer their phone when you call to check in, or fails to provide information about local area attractions, avoid them like the plague—even if they have cheap rates! At its most basic level, a good staff should be able to speak English and help with anything you need. And really, how hard is that? If they can't do either of these two things well enough to give you an enjoyable stay, steer clear.

Hotel in Jeddah

7) Cramped Bathroom

If you have to bump your elbows when shaving or brushing your teeth, there’s not enough room.. Then check out that shower – do you think you’ll be able to dry off and slip into your clothes without soaking half of them? If not, don’t book it. (Booking Tip: always look at photos of bathrooms in hotel rooms; if they don't show them and they're important enough to have, walk away.) And last but not least--check if the bathroom is clean.

8) No Luggage Rack

A hotel room with no luggage rack or stand is a first sign that you're staying in a low-quality establishment. It may seem like an insignificant issue, but try putting your suitcase on the floor for more than two minutes and then get back to us about how comfortable it is. Every modern hotel should have at least one large, sturdy luggage rack, so if you can't find one—or if there's only one—your trip might be off to a bad start before it's even begun. If there are lots of suitcases piled on top of each other on that lone rack, that's also cause for concern because it suggests they don't have enough space.

Now that you are aware of them, make sure to stay vigilant and practice all of the above given tips while deciding on the right hotel.


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